Thursday 19 December 2013

'Journey' Final Piece - Progress 1

Initial sketch of Sun Wukong, the main character.
I use the sketch as a basis to flesh the anatomy out some more,
which I can then build directly upon.

Using the previous layer, I can draw out a design using clean linework.
This process is essentially the same as using a lightbox when working traditionally.

Initial sketch of Pigsy, one of the main characters.

Using the initial sketch I rough out the basic linework.
I then scaled it up to match the proportions of Sun Wukong.

Again, I used the previous layer to clean up the linework.

One method of colouring digital work is to use one layer for
shading and another for colour. Here I have begun to paint the shading layer.

I then put the base colours on top of the shading,
but it wasn't really working out.

I tried adding highlights to see if it would make things look better.

As I wasn't really feeling the initial method,
 I tried a brighter colour - a pale blue.
This is a method often used in animation.

It looks better, but is now too far in the other direction.
Some reconsideration is needed from here.

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